My husband has an ear for music. He can hear a song and can tell if a singer or if the music note is off key. One of his favorite things to do is to learn to sing a new song.
Psalm 96 opens with “Sing a new song to the Lord “
This psalm comes from the story in 1 Chronicles 16. It is the story of King David bringing the Ark of the Covenant, representing the presence of the Lord, back into the special tent he had prepared. The Ark was previously captured by the enemy in battle, but when David assumed the throne it was stored in a man’s barn. So now the Ark is back and there was much singing and celebrating as the Ark was brought in. King David danced and sang and said “Sing a new song to the Lord!”
The Psalms were the song books of ancient Israel, God’s chosen people. Psalm comes from the Greek word “ Psalmos” which means song or hymn. The Hebrew word for Psalm is “Tehillim” which means “praises.” David wrote many of the Psalms in the Bible. He wrote many kinds of Psalms. He wrote Penitential Psalms (confessing sorrow for sin, appealing to God for His grace and forgiveness) Wisdom Psalms (God and our relationship to Him) Hymns (songs of Praise and Thanksgivings to God), Royal Psalms (focusing on Israel’s Kings), Messianic Psalms (describing the Messiah or His ministry), Imprecatory Psalms (calls of God’s judgment against His enemies or His people’s enemies), and Lament Psalms (Bemoaning ones condition followed by words of trust and praise to God.)
What new song is in your heart to sing to the Lord? Is He in the tent of your heart today? Has the enemy capture Him away from your heart in the spiritual battle? What would be the lyrics on your sheet music today?
Would it be a song of lament for the difficult season you are in at this time? If so, Sing out in your despair to the One who will comfort you with everlasting arms.
Maybe it’s a Penitential Psalm as David sang in Psalm 51 after confrontation for his sins. If so, Sing out in repentance unto the Lord. He is ready to forgive and restore to a clean merry heart!
Maybe you just have a hymn of praise on your lips! Then Dance and Sing that New Song unto the Lord for who He is and what He has brought you through!
During this pandemic season of all of our lives the Lord gave me this new song; (Psalms is 57:7) “My heart is confident in You, O God; my heart is confident. No wonder I can sing your praises!” This is my New Song for 2021!
We all have different seasons in our own lives. Take time to discern what season you are in, then take out new sheet music and ask the Lord for your New Song. Now, write it down and sing it out with all your heart to the one who is always Singing over you.
Did you know that? His love for you is so great, and though you cannot hear it, He sings over you. (Zephaniah 3:17) says, “The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” Now that’s a concert!
Well, are you ready? The ink should still be wet on your sheet music. Now finish that last note!
🎼 Then Sing that New Song!!
By Deann Dolan