The events of our days are confusing and somewhat frightening. We are facing sickness and death like no other time in our lives. No one knows the long term effects of being sick with the Covid-19 virus. No one has found a cure and there is no preventive measures we can take. If I say all we can do is trust God, someone will say that it is a cop out. But I say to you, “Trust God”. This is the first place to go. God loves you and is waiting for you to cry out unto him. He give comfort and peace, hope and assurance. He knows what tomorrow will bring, so learn to trust him today.
On the other hand I must learn to “Be A Solution” and not part of the problem. I find far too many people who ignore wisdom and end up sick themselves or making someone else sick. Don’t be a part of the problem. Walk in wisdom. Walk in compassion. I talk to people every day who have cancer or heart problems or diabetes and are in danger of their lives if they were to contract Covid-19. Yet too many people ignore masks, ignore calls to social distance, ignore washing hands. It’s said that 80% of all cases could be eliminated if everyone would wear a mask. That’s 80% of all cases worldwide. Be A Solution and not part of the problem.
The same goes for the other cultural elephant in the room. There have been protests for over a month over racial injustice. I have heard people talk about civil war, about anarchy, about what should be done, could be done, and would be done if they were in charge. I am doing a Bible study on 1 John and I read it over and over. LOVE ONE ANOTHER! If you love God then you will love others because God is LOVE! The Bible is clear about this truth–the church is to be what the society is meant to be. There is no racism in the Church of Jesus Christ. There is no injustice, no inequality, no violence. In fact the Bible says, “There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male or female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Gal 3:28). Jesus and the disciples did not spend time in social activism. They were not attempting to change the Roman Empire culture. They, Jesus and his followers, were creating a church which was a model for reality. It was a place of love, acceptance and forgiveness. It was holy and righteous. It was fully loving as it was fully transformational. Jesus never left anyone the same as when he found them. Every person was a changed person. A more loving person. A more forgiving person. A person more like Christ.
The least we can do at this time is to not be the problem. Love your God with all your heart and soul and strength. And love your neighbor as yourself. Be a good Samaritan! A good American! A good disciple of Christ. If and when God leads you into a situation where you can show the love of Christ, then show the love of Christ! Bind up the brokenhearted. Set at liberty the captive. Open the eyes of the blind. And put your actions and words to the test–Am I Being a Solution or am I Being A Part of the Problem?