
Expansion of the Kingdom comes through sacrifice. The greatest move of the Spirit that I experienced in Russia came after a time of an intense Daniel fast in 1998. Healings and salvations were common place and the Word of God came alive to me as never before. In 2009 after years of sowing in fields in China revival came. Over 13 years I had traveled multiple times in China each time after I had spent time fasting with the Lord. Fasting is about Kingdom expansion.

The Purpose of Fasting

Many people ask why I fast and I don’t truly have a good answer except that it seems that fasting works for me. God works more in my life during and after a fast, than if I don’t fast. I don’t think everyone is called to the same level of fasting that I am. But I would contend that you should have some seasons of the year where you demonstrate to God that He is more important than food, or entertainment, or comfort. This fasting helps us break out of spiritual ruts and malaise. It wins the victory over the darkness and oppression of the enemy. Fasting and prayer just works.

Trusting God

Recently I was confronted with a ministry challenge that reminded me that I desperately needed the Lord’s help in order to accomplish what I had to do. He gave to me the verse,“I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13). I memorized that verse as a child and quoted it many times to myself and to others. It has a tendency to become a cliche-something we quote but never truly experience. Yet over the past few weeks I have experienced the strength of Christ daily. I needed his strength and he supplied. I needed his comfort and he was there. I needed his wisdom and he spoke to me. I can do what God has called me to do, because he has given the strength to do it.

Man Does Not Live By Bread Alone


Prayer for Greater Things


Ten Commandments for Men

1. Find a spiritual leader for your life and learn from him.
12 Dear brothers and sisters, honor those who are your leaders in the Lord’s work. They work hard among you and give you spiritual guidance.
2. Learn to get along. 13 b And live peacefully with each other. If you are always in conflict with others, or even if others are in conflict with you, then you need to check if you are the problem. (compare /Romans 12: 18 Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.

The Peace of God


Those Who Get Married Will Have Troubles

Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 7:28 “…“However, those who get married at this time will have troubles,….” So I am pretty sure that each relationship has some measure of adjustment, difficulty and challenges. One question is how to make the best marriage possible. I am writing these devotionals based upon the principle that change doesn’t happen naturally, without some kind of intervention. There is a principle in science that everything left to itself will decay. I occasionally have watched “Life After People” a History Channel show which predicts what would happen to cities and buildings if man were to disappear from the earth. One episode showed Wrigley Field completely covered in ivy after many years. Its an interesting study in what happens when no one is there to “maintain” buildings and infrastructure.

The Flowing of the River-Report of Revival in Far East

I received an email from friends overseas this week further reporting on the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Far East. They report that during a three day conference nearly 300 people were baptized in the Holy Spirit. These had never been taught about the Holy Spirit, of spiritual gifts and definitely had not heard of speaking in other tongues. Yet they received immediately the teaching and the Spirit came upon them. Praise be to the Lord!