Posted on Apr 23, 2020 in bible study |

In our study of Corinthians we found that Paul answered a number of questions the Church asked him. Some of the questions are seemingly irrelevant to us. “Do we eat meat sacrificed to idols?”. We will likely never faced this situation. However the answer that Paul gives is relevant to us. “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” This is excellent truth! We must do everything we do for the glory of God.
The second irrelevant section is on the wearing of head coverings for women. Someone asks about proper attire at church. In those days, women were expected to cover their heads whenever they prayed or prophesied.
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Posted on May 1, 2015 in bible study |

1. Find a spiritual leader for your life and learn from him.
12 Dear brothers and sisters, honor those who are your leaders in the Lord’s work. They work hard among you and give you spiritual guidance.
13 Show them great respect and wholehearted love because of their work.
It’s difficult to make it spiritually on your own, without help from someone. Find someone you trust and follow them.
2. Learn to get along. 13 b And live peacefully with each other. If you are always in conflict with others, or even if others are in conflict with you, then you need to check if you are the problem. (compare /Romans 12: 18 Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone. Read more…
Posted on Apr 12, 2015 in bible study, Sermons & Blogs |

I preached recently on the greeting “Grace and peace to you…” which Paul uses in his letters. I understand grace, and thought I understood peace. In preparing for the sermon I reflected in my own life the times in which God’s peace was overwhelming present in my life. The most profound experience of peace occurred as I sat in a four seater airplane as it glided to the earth from 8000 feet in the air. We had engine problems, it was night with clouds at 1000 feet, could not find the airport, the pilot was inexperienced, and me, the passenger was all of eighteen years old.
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Posted on Jan 1, 2015 in bible study |

Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 7:28 “…“However, those who get married at this time will have troubles,….” So I am pretty sure that each relationship has some measure of adjustment, difficulty and challenges. One question is how to make the best marriage possible. I am writing these devotionals based upon the principle that change doesn’t happen naturally, without some kind of intervention. There is a principle in science that everything left to itself will decay. I occasionally have watched “Life After People” a History Channel show which predicts what would happen to cities and buildings if man were to disappear from the earth. One episode showed Wrigley Field completely covered in ivy after many years. Its an interesting study in what happens when no one is there to “maintain” buildings and infrastructure. Read more…