Do You Inquire of the Lord?

Do you inquire of the Lord before making major life decisions? Maybe you need to inquire about a life’s partner, or selling your home and moving, or changing your career path, or deciding on a life-or-death medical procedure.

In the Scriptures we read about David, who is referred to as “a man after God’s own heart.” (1 Samuel 13:14; Acts 13:22.) David always went to God to inquire of him before going into battle. Sometimes he was told to “Arise, and go.” Sometimes it was, “Go not.” Having God’s guidance was a huge strategic advantage against the enemy. (There were times David did not inquire of the Lord about some of his decisions, and we know the disastrous results that followed.)

We, too, can have confident assurance in our life battles, and even in the details of daily living. I once was praying over a major decision I had to make. I was desperate for some guidance. After prayer, I opened my eyes, and there on the wall in front of me was a framed Scripture that was the exact answer and guidance I needed. I had seen that Scripture innumerable times, but this time it was as if God had spoken to me in an audible voice.

When you inquire of the Lord, you can be guaranteed a ready answer and can confidently proceed in calmness of spirit knowing you have made the right decision. Often the answer will come through His Word. You do not have to stumble alone in darkness hoping for the best. His Word is a lamp for your feet and a light on your path. Inquire of the Lord. He will make your path abundantly clear.

By Margie Briscoe