We exist to make Jesus known.



We envision that the love of God will lift us into his presence through worship and His Word. We expect God to redeem, restore and renew the lives of people, their relationships, and their marriages as we worship and give ourselves to the study of the Word of God.

We envision that the love of God will create a biblical community of faith who will accept one another and are accepted, love others and are loved.  We are called to be disciples who learn, serve and encourage one another in the faith. 

We envision sharing the love of God with unchurched friends and neighbors in this region through caring acts of kindness and the proclamation of God’s Word.  Whenever possible we will engage in world missions by supporting A/G missionaries or by participating in a School of Christ leadership training world wide.
We envision that the love of God calls us to be passionate followers of Jesus Christ who will develop into able servants through the ministry of his Word and the empowering of the Holy Spirit.  We are the body of Christ, the temple of his Holy Spirit.  A river of living water flows out of his church and into the world.