May 10, 2020

Women of Valor
By: Joel Pledge
Series: Simple Commands
A Mother's Day message by Linda Pledge from CrossRoads Assembly of God
- May 10, 2020Women of ValorMay 10, 2020Women of ValorBy: Joel PledgeSeries: Simple CommandsA Mother's Day message by Linda Pledge from CrossRoads Assembly of God
- Sep 20, 2018Go!Sep 20, 2018Go!By: Joel PledgeSeries: Simple CommandsThe simple command of Jesus to GO! into all the world.
- Sep 20, 2018Let This MindSep 20, 2018Let This MindBy: Joel PledgeSeries: Simple CommandsThe simple command of Paul tells us to have the same attitude of Jesus--not so easy!
- Sep 20, 2018Don’t Grieve the Holy SpiritSep 20, 2018Don’t Grieve the Holy SpiritBy: Joel PledgeSeries: Simple CommandsA Simple Command which is so difficult to fulfill in our lives
- Sep 20, 2018The Big DinnerSep 20, 2018The Big DinnerBy: Joel PledgeSeries: Simple CommandsJesus visited Martha and Mary's house for "The Big Dinner".
- Sep 20, 2018Jesus Washes FeetSep 20, 2018Jesus Washes FeetBy: Joel PledgeSeries: Simple CommandsJohn 13 tells the story of how Jesus washed the disciples feet and called us to do the same.