Jul 14, 2020
What Does God Want?
By: Joel Pledge
Series: Galatians
"What Does God Want?". God has promised to plant us by the river of living waters. If we will take advantage of this position we will be fruitful in each season. Come and study what it means to be fruitful through out the Bible. BTW God wants fruit from us!
- Jul 14, 2020What Does God Want?Jul 14, 2020What Does God Want?By: Joel PledgeSeries: Galatians"What Does God Want?". God has promised to plant us by the river of living waters. If we will take advantage of this position we will be fruitful in each season. Come and study what it means to be fruitful through out the Bible. BTW God wants fruit from us!
- Jul 8, 2020July 4th MessageJul 8, 2020July 4th MessageBy: Joel PledgeSeries: GalatiansThe world is changing quickly. How is the church supposed to respond? This message gives on answer.
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- Jul 1, 2020Introduction to the Epistles of JohnJul 1, 2020Introduction to the Epistles of JohnBy: Joel PledgeSeries: New Testament Survey"Introduction to the Epistles of John". These letters give to us the assurance of our salvation. If we know the truth, and abey the truth, and love one another then we will have eternal life.
- Jun 30, 2020Introduction to 2 Peter and JudeJun 30, 2020Introduction to 2 Peter and JudeBy: Joel PledgeSeries: New Testament Survey"Introduction to 2 Peter and Jude". These are two letters which attack the problem of false teachers in church. This is especially important as the church leadership ages. Peter mentions his coming death, so he is concerned that the church is filled with faithful teachers and has learned how to detect false teaching.
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- Jun 17, 2020Introduction to HebrewsJun 17, 2020Introduction to HebrewsBy: Joel PledgeSeries: New Testament SurveyJewish Christians were asking the question after the destruction of the temple in 70 AD-What do we do now that we can no longer sacrifice in Jerusalem? The letter to the Hebrews says that Jesus is the new high priest, who offered himself as the ultimate sacrifice. Now we can spiritually enter the very holy place by the blood of Jesus
- Jun 10, 2020Introduction to 1 PeterJun 10, 2020Introduction to 1 PeterBy: Joel PledgeSeries: New Testament SurveyThis study of 1 Peter focuses upon the symbol of cross which the writer uses to explain our salvation and expectations in life.